About Us
Serbian Venture Network (SeVeN) is an association committed to development of start-up and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Serbia and South-East Europe.
Seven is dedicated to promotion of equity-based investment models and supporting startups, innovative entrepreneurs and fast growing companies in acquiring investments and their development. Organization of high profile events, networking between investors and entrepreneurs, mentoring, education and training, advocacy efforts, providing business advisory and consultancy services to companies seeking investment, are some of the activities of Serbian Venture Network.
We have a strong network of institutional and professional partnerships in the SEE Region.
Our Mision
To develop capacities and improve positions of regional businesses and entrepreneurs, in fields of knowledge-based economy, with goals of building competitiveness, improving access to finance and building sustainable and profitable business models.
Our Vision
Southeast Europe as integrated business region with enabling business environment and favorable business conditions, where the talents, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and business partnering are the engines of growth and development.
Managing board
Our Activities

Cooperation agreement with Serbian Chamber of Commerce
April 15, 2015
NASA International Space Apps Challenge in Belgrade
April 10, 2015
US Embassy in Belgrade support startup development in Serbia
March 13, 2015